Preschool and Tossing Out the Schedule
Preschool at Home

Preschool and Tossing Out the Schedule

I’ve discussed, at length, my Type A personality. I like schedules. I like plans. I LOVE it when things are predictable and orderly. Thing is: preschoolers do not care about personality types and Mommy’s personal preferences. What’s more? Being super structured isn’t necessarily good for the average two year old. Their job right now is … Continue reading

My Grandma’s Most Helpful Hints
Organization / You Have To Try This

My Grandma’s Most Helpful Hints

My grandmother has put together one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and most useful gifts I’ve ever received. She has given this gift to all the granddaughters so far. Basically it’s a cookbook, but really, it’s so much more! Inside she included family-favorite recipes with coordinating grocery lists, and I use it daily. Over the last two … Continue reading

Hi, My Name is Julie and I’m Addicted to Office Supplies
Homeschool Adventure

Hi, My Name is Julie and I’m Addicted to Office Supplies

Have you ever watched Hoarders and seen those women who spend their family into debt buy buying thousands of clothing items they never get around to wearing? Yeah, that’s me…but with office supplies. I have to physically stop myself from going to the office-supply sections of any store unless I know we have spending money … Continue reading

Organizing and the Wise use of Child-Labor…I Mean, Little Sisters

Organizing and the Wise use of Child-Labor…I Mean, Little Sisters

In my nesting phase, the small nuisance areas of my homes have become these horrid beacons, screaming out profane recriminations about my housekeeping skills. The top of my fridge and tops of the cabinets above our dishes had become one such beacon. That dreadful black box “hid” our stash of candy…only it didn’t. Frequently candy … Continue reading