DIY 3-Ingredient Deodorant. Paraben-Free, just $0.13 per STICK!
DIY, Money Savers / You Have To Try This

DIY 3-Ingredient Deodorant. Paraben-Free, just $0.13 per STICK!

By now, you know I am a big believer in DIY. From laundry detergent and fabric softener to wipes and nursing tops, I DIY as much as possible. So, when I heard that the a chemical in most store-brand deodorants and antiperspirants (paraben) had been linked to cancer, I started researching the possibility of making … Continue reading

Feeding a family of 4, for 2 weeks, on less than $160. 2 Weeks of COMPLETE Meal Plans, Grocery Lists and Tips.
DIY, Money Savers / Organization / Recipes

Feeding a family of 4, for 2 weeks, on less than $160. 2 Weeks of COMPLETE Meal Plans, Grocery Lists and Tips.

As much fun as it is to be able to stroll into a first-rate grocery store and buy whatever strikes my fancy, it isn’t a luxury I’ve had often in my adult life. Since becoming a full-time stay-at-home wife and mother, it isn’t something I’ve done at all. We always have plenty of what we … Continue reading