
Outpouring of My Heart

I have to be careful with my words here, and I’ve never been terribly good at being careful. I have to be willing to trust–in God, in people, in my instincts…and I’m terrible at trusting. I have to take one day, sometimes one hour at a time. I have to believe that everything will work … Continue reading

Organizing and the Wise use of Child-Labor…I Mean, Little Sisters

Organizing and the Wise use of Child-Labor…I Mean, Little Sisters

In my nesting phase, the small nuisance areas of my homes have become these horrid beacons, screaming out profane recriminations about my housekeeping skills. The top of my fridge and tops of the cabinets above our dishes had become one such beacon. That dreadful black box “hid” our stash of candy…only it didn’t. Frequently candy … Continue reading