Homeschool Adventure

Homeschool, Art, and Getting the Creative Juices Flowing

Last week, I found this on Pinterest.

drawing challenge

I would love to give credit, but every post I could find on this lead to bad links, no links or simple links to web images. If you happen upon a real source, please let me know!

I am not artistically inclined. I consider myself an actress and a lullaby singer. That’s about all the creative juices I can muster. (Well except talking. I can certainly throw together an extensive amount of words). My husband is an extraordinarily talented artist, but we rarely see him these days. For this reason, we never had any sort of art classes in our homeschool plan, but J is showing interest in drawing and making projects. I want to be able to facilitate that as much as I am able.

This 30 day challenge makes art fairly effortless for me. I simply read off the day’s challenge and watch J work. When he’s finished, I give him pointers (sometimes) on how to revise and improve his drawing. For example, his self-portrait was exactly the same as every other picture he draws of people-round head, round body, stick legs and crude features. When he turned it in, I made sure to praise his work, but I went a little further.

I pulled a photo off our picture wall and asked him to study the picture. I asked him to think about what made him special, what made him look like him. Here’s the before and after.

DSC08329  DSC08330

I was so happy to see the details that showed up were two of my favorites: his hair and smile.

We aren’t doing the days right in a row because I’m taking one day a week for the boys to have some project time (more on that in a later post). Still, I’m so grateful to have this guide and hope you find it useful as well.

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